What can I take/use for eczema?

Often eczema sufferers are lacking essential fats from their diet. Supplementing with Udo's or Eskimo oil will improve their condition. Vitamin C and other antioxidants such as vitamin E, A and selenium, as well as vitamin D will stimulate collagen synthesis, improve the skin's texture, and help prevent additional skin damage. Taking Linwoods Flaxseeds is another way to ensure you are receiving adequate essential fats in your diet and also provides you with fibre. Add to cereals for breakfast.

To treat eczema topically we recommend using Barefoot Botanicals SOS range. Voted the number 1 eczema range, it contains Stellaria (Chickweed) and Burdock Botanical Extracts to comfort and soothe irritation, macadamia and evening primrose oil to moisturise and restore parched skin, organic Sulphur (MSM) intensively softens and replenishes dry skin and pure essential oils of neroli and chamomile to gently nurture the skin with a soft aroma.

It is free from parabens, SLS and if you experience limited sun exposure (just remember to get your vitamin D) you don’t need a moisturizer with sun protection. It’s better to get a moisturizer targeted specifically to what you need. But if you’re outside a lot, and live in hot climates definitely seek SPF protection. It is nearly impossible to get a lightweight facial moisturizer with SPF that is organic and not tinted. So we often recommend you use a lightweight sunscreen instead or in addition to your moisturizer. Most moisturizers that have higher SPF factors contain synthetic sun filters that are absorbed by your body artificial colours and fragrances.

Why do certain brands not have an SPF in their moisturiser?

If you are not exposed to the sun often you don’t need a moisturizer with sun protection. But if you’re outside a lot, and live in hot climates definitely seek SPF protection. It is very difficult to get a  facial moisturizer with an SPF that is organic and not tinted. So we recommend you use a lightweight sunscreen instead or in addition to your moisturizer.

Most moisturizers that have higher SPF factors contain synthetic sun filters that are absorbed by your body. (It is very important to receive enough sun to ensure adequate vitamin D formation!)

What can I take for thinning hair?

Biotin is useful for those who want their hair to grow faster and it can  even reverse premature greying if the greying is caused by low biotin  levels. Biotin can be taken alone or in conjunction with other B-vitamins. The latter may be a good idea if you lead a stressful lifestyle – B vitamins help to prevent stress, which is a cause of hair loss! Jason thin to thick shampoo, conditioner and hair elixir are abundant in biotin. Silicea, a trace mineral, lost from the body at the early age of 20, strengthens and thickens the hair and prevents split ends. Supplement with hubner silicea gel for thicker hair, stronger nails and firmer skin.

Anaemia-related hair loss is the most common form of hair loss. Iron supplements  may help the condition, but some find they produce constipation or nausea. Therefore ensure iron is in an organic form. Some  iron supplements are also more bioavailable than others. Ideally, anaemia should  be prevented by eating iron from red meats, dried fruit, tofu, beans and lentils, and of course iron-fortified breads and cereals. Raisons are also a good source of iron for those non meat eaters!

What can I do to prevent the aging process ?

Hyalouronic Acid- vital along with collagen to maintain skin structures and layers. It hydrates and nourishes collagen and holds water, keeping the skin wrinkle free, soft, smooth and elastic. Perfect for menopausal skin and pre-mature skin ageing.Alpha lipoic acid and DMAE- a potent antioxidant protecting against fat and water soluble free radicals which cause line and wrinkles in the skin. Prevents the cross-linking of collagen leading to more flexible, stiff-free collagen. If taken with vitamin C it will delay ageing process. Vitamin E- fights free radicals, reduces UV damage and accelerates healing. Drinking white tea, this is another source of antioxidants.

How can I help improve my Broken Capillaries?

Supplement with Viridian Pycnogenol and Grape Seed extract. Both are rich sources of OPC's which give flavour, colour and aroma to plants and fruits. OPC's are effective in treating venous insufficiency, varicous veins, capillary fragility, and disorders of the retina. OPC's appear to improve blood circulation through collagen support and nitric oxide production.

Avoid spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine as these make the condition worse. Use Suki products, Intensive nourishing cream and concentrated balancing toner.

Is there a correct way to apply Eye Cream?

Of course. Firstly, NEVER pull the skin as this will create wrinkles. Use the ring finger, this is the weakest finger and should be the only finger used to apply creams/gels to the extra thin and delicate skin around the eye area. Use a gentle tapping motion and work from the inside out. Allow product to soak in, nourish and moisturise the skin.

How often should I Exfoliate and use a Mask?

Just use a face mask once a week on cleansed, exfoliated skin. Overusing can strip the skin of necessary oil and in turn can overcompensate and create too much oil and lead to breakouts etc.

Where in my daily Skincare regime do I use a Serum?

Facial serums can give you added moisture, the main reason you'd want to use a facial serum is to get added nutrients into deeper layers of your skin that a regular moisturiser is not able to reach. You can get many types of serums such as anti-aging serums, skin brightening serums and even acne preventative serums. You apply the serum after your toner and before your moisturiser. Serums penetrate more deeply into the skin and provide and deposit key nutrients.

Is there anything I can take to help my chin Acne and/or general Acne?

Acne targeted around the chin and jaw area is predominantly hormone related. A. Vogel agnus castus can be taken to help to balance female hormones, however not suitable for those on the pill or HRT.

Essential fats can be taken to regulate hormones. Vitamin B6 is also recommended for hormonal acne.For general acne take Quest/Viridian zinc- it breaks down testosterone and regulates sebum production. Quest selenium is an antioxidant that functions in the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, required for preventing inflamed acne.Vitamin E will activate selenium in the body and is essential for healing skin.A must for all congested skin is willow water. Contains naturally occuring salicins preventing clogged pores and leading to new cell growth.

What is the difference between Bio Oil and Trilogy Rosehip Oil?

It is simple! Look at the ingredients!In Bio oil the first ingredient is 'mineral oil', a byproduct of petroleum. It acts as a layer that's difficult to absorb and can clog pores therefore slowing the skins ability to eliminate toxins. This is a major problem as the skin is the largest organ in the body for eliminating toxins. Mineral oil is also dangerous if swallowed or inhaled and can cause irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory systems! Trilogy rosehip oil is 100% natural and extremely effective for lines and wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil is extracted from the seeds of rosehips, obtained from a certified organic source in the mountainous regions of Chile. It is extracted using a solvent-free process to preserve its natural goodness. It is rich in omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids which soften the skin and boost elasticity. The lipids found in Rosehip oil are similar to those found in your skin; therefore, it absorbs easily, leaving no oily residue. Trilogy Rosehip oil is a must for every woman!

What is the difference between Eskimo Oil and Udo’s Oil?

Udo's oil is derived from flaxseed oil. It contains ALA- alpha linoleic acid which the body converts to other omega 3's namely EPA and DHA. How ever this conversion process is not very efficient as the enzyme required to make the necessary conversions becomes inhibited by various factors, e.g. age, illness, asthma, stress, trans fats, allergies, nutrient deficiencies etc. Also women convert ALA to EPA and DHA more efficiently than men.

Eskimo oil is a fish oil, derived from the muscle of the fish and is a direct source of EPA and DHA, therefore no conversion is required.


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